Friday, May 25, 2007

Fun days and Lazy Days

Such a lucky girl I really am... sometimes it takes me a long time to realise things and it has taken me a hell of a long time to realise that in the great scheme of things I really am a lucky girl... I have an absolutely wonderful Husband and the greatest kids a Mum could ever want - a lovely house and great neighbours and really lovely friends. Yes I have bad health but hey that's getting easier to manage thanks to the above family and friends and I really do want to thank them all from the bottom of my heart.
These past few weeks have been very good as I have spent lots of time with my family and my friends, I am in the bad books with my mental health team as I missed my hospital appointment but they did understand when I explained what I had been doing and they agreed to let me off their blood sucking for a while.. lol... I have been too busy having a good time. Those meds really do work (at last)
Had such a good time with the family spending time together with simple things like shopping days and barbecues... the simple things in life really are the best and most of all I am learning not to sweat the small stuff.. Have spent a couple of days with Drew just her and I... One at her new high school getting her used to the school and getting her all settled.. she really has loved the time spent there and I am sure all will go so well when she starts full time in August.. Also had a girly date with her when I took her for her new hair cut... she looks so cute with it she really does... strange thing though she is getting very shy... suppose it is that old age thing again... oh the coming up to the teenage years is such joy!!.. lol... I am in a bit of a panic as she has just come in from school with an invitation for her leaving ceilidh.. dress formal it says... HELP.. what the hell do I dress her in??? sure we will find something.. just what though that is what is panicking me!!

Have also been having a ball at my craft club on a sunday.. really love those gals I really do... we make so much noise on a sunday morning screaming with laughter and gabbering... (we do do some work honestly!!) It is such a pleasure to spend time with the girls, all friends with a bond that will only get tighter I think.. we are planning on a lovely christmas night out.. and I really am looking forward to it... Heather it is ony June.. yeah I know but my new mind set of looking forward really is working.. lol.. mad as a brush I am I know... The best thing to come out of my time at the craft club at Craft at Home is the friendship with the family that owns the shop... especially the lovely Angela and Margaret. We have been spending a lot of time together having lovely lunch dates and barbecues... and of course we have to mention their lovely gorgeous little puppy Rex... who I have to say is just in love with my beautiful little (ok not so little!) Daisy... let's just say we cannot leave them alone together for a minute as Rex is an amourous little man and Daisy is just too stoopid to know any better .. lol...
I have been doing SOME crafting in amongst my busy social life but not really had the time to take any pictures.. yes I know I am bad but I just keep forgetting to photograph all that is going on... I promise to try harder and I promise to try and keep up with my blogging..
Well Monday morning has well and truly arrived and I have no choice but to clean my much neglected house... NOOOOOOOOOO .... Yes Heather get your finger out and get on with it... Ok Ok... back laters.. hopefully with some photies and some more blethering..
Hope you are all safe and well
Take care


Linda said...

Glad to see you back hun, and sooooo pleased things are getting better for you. Long may it last. Take care x x x

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back Heather and lovely to know your meds are working and that your are having such fun with your family and friends. I hope that every day just gets better and better for you :)

Unknown said...

Lovely blog, and great work. I will be back to read again.